Set It Up JBTF10...

By request (!), we tackle a rom-com produced by Netflix. Did you know that House of Cards came to be because Netflix knew we liked Kevin Spacey (not so much now perhaps) and David Fincher?

Did THIS movie come to be because Netflix knows we like people abusing each other and re-arranging food on the sidewalk? Love is in the air people!

Set It Up JBTF10...

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As we are learning here, there are lots of great ways to spend the first ten minutes of a movie.

For instance, when done well, starting a movie by establishing that an overwhelming and/or terrifying threat is bearing down on our heroes can create a wonderful sense of tension and dread.

When done well.

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Tremors – A Cold Day In Hell JBTF10...

What makes for a scary movie?

And what does it take for a film to both terrify us and keep us glued to the screen?

And if you need to monitor the seismic magnetic activity emitted by a subterranean death worm, which metal detector from is best?

Tremors – A Cold Day In Hell JBTF10...

Bangkok Dangerous JBTF10...

Meet Joe. He is dangerous.

Know what else is dangerous? Bangkok. What's that you say? You don’t know why Joe and Bangkok are dangerous? Don't worry.

Joe is going to

Bangkok Dangerous JBTF10...

Falcon Rising JBTF10...

Michael Jai White may be a cinematic Worcestershire sauce, bringing depth, richness, and karate umami to everything he's in.

Is this the Matrix? (No.)

Does it, despite the odd-head photoshopping of the poster above get off to a great start? (Yes.)

Falcon Rising JBTF10...

Snowpiercer JBTF10...

This movie begins after the world ends.

Everything is very cold.

So it’s a good thing some people (including pre-Cap Chris Evans) are onboard a train that never stops running (around the world?)?

And, for the duration of the beginning of this movie, good thing we're on it too...

Snowpiercer JBTF10...