Judging By the First 10...
Judging By the First 10...
Random Streaming Movie Reviews

The “Why” behind these streaming movie reviews

I miss Ebert...

The thumbs bit was good marketing. And I'm sure books like Your Movie Sucks are far more popular than collections of his film-related essays.

But as someone who truly loved movies (films...) (cinema)?, I enjoyed how so many of Ebert's reviews betrayed a consistent and sincere hope that the movie unfolding on the screen above him would ultimately do itself justice, rising to that ephemeral thing called film.


Yes, a great deal of his work remains. But I miss rushing home from the theater to look up Ebert's review for the movie I'd just seen, nervous at the idea of having liked something he hadn't, or not having caught or appreciated something he was infinitely more capable of.

Something about that taps into the vein of why criticism is important. Right. Or at least, why there's a most certain and odd joy in thinking and writing about film.

Through movie reviews, his work, I felt like I was able to share something with him. An overwhelming sense of inferiority, mainly.  So, here, in a very modest and somewhat experimental way of discovering and reviewing streaming movies, hopefully I can leave a body of criticism that helps someone else feel inferior, too. #lifegoals

It wasn't my original goal to create a streaming movies blog, or even to focus primarily on Netflix movies. But it's made for an enjoyable challenge and, at very least, maybe JBTF10 will help when you're searching for good movies to watch tonight.

Cool? Cool. Reviews are here when you’re ready.

